Monday, December 15, 2014

Truth: Progressive "Liberals" Can't Handle It

When one studies political history at the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, the ideas of Karl Marx becomes the political culture that extends in lesser ways across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States. Although the regimes of Hitler, Imperial Japan (fascist theocracy), Spain (Franco regime), and Italy are based on fascism; it is the political ideology of Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) who is considered the founder of Fascism. Today, in the United States, the so-called

Left and self-proclaimed 'Progressives', called frequently by the media as the 'Left' have similar ideology.

Of course, it is not identical, but there are sufficient parallels that make Mussolini's prediction that the 20th century would be the century of Fascism. The Soviet Union was created from the Red revolutionists against the monarchy of Russia, who used the Communist Manifesto, authored by Marx, as their founding principles. Founders of the Soviet Union called their movement Bolshevism.
Dictionaries, encyclopedia, and some historians lump together the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, General Tojo, and Generalissimo Franco into a single description of fascism – but this is not true.
Mussolini, for example, in his early political days, referred to the Russian Bolsheviks as “Socialists” or social democrats, but they were Marxists; just as Mussolini began as a socialist. He referred to them as “liberals”, advocates of laissez faire ideology. Mussolini published a pamphlet in 1935 that consisted of words spoken in his earlier political days:
If the bourgeoisie think they will find lightning conductors in us they are the more deceived; we must start work at once … We want to accustom the working class to real and effectual leadership. … Therefore I desire that this assembly shall accept the revindication of national trades unionism. When the present regime breaks down, we must be ready at once to take its place. Fascism has taken up an attitude of complete opposition to the doctrines of Liberalism, both in the political field and in the field of economics. The present method of political representation cannot suffice. Fascism now and always believes in holiness and in heroism; that is to say in actions influenced by no economic motive. Fascism repudiates the conception of “economic” happiness. After the war in 1919, Socialism was already dead as a doctrine: It existed only as a hatred.
Mussolini was pinpointing and referring to policies and doctrines of his former Socialist Party, Marxist, that was an extreme form of socialism. The ideology also spread to Great Britain (UK today) in the form of Clement Attlee and the British Labour Party before World War II.
If the 19th century has been the century of the individual, for liberalism means individualism, it may be conjectured that this is the century of the State.
That prophecy was recorded in the Enciclopedia Italiana, which was made true by modern Left Progressives who love big government. In 1900s, the ratio of spending compared to the Gross National Product in Italy was 10%, the 1950s, 30%; and as of 1998, about 60%.
Mussolini rejected Marxist socialism because he disliked class war sociology; but modern-day Progressives also falsely believe they are different in political ideology. In the United States, they believe they have found an American version of democratic socialism that will succeed where such political ideology and form of government failed.
Mussolini rejected democracy, just like Lenin and Stalin (Hitler and Mao):
Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society.
In the Western world, the political movement is to bury democracy without being as open about it as Mussolini was. Like the American progressive states about the US Constitution:
Laissez faire is out of date.
Free market is blasphemy to progressives.
Mussolini also wrote of his contempt of the armed forces in his youth, major hypocrisy considering his regime was a military state and was often seen in military regalia, especially when visiting with Adolf Hitler.
The Socialist party reaffirms its eternal faith in the future of the Workers' International, destined to bloom again, greater and stronger, from the blood and conflagration of peoples. It is in the name of the International and of Socialism that we invite you, proletarians of Italy, to uphold your unshakeable opposition to war.
Today, progressive socialists march against Wall Street while their leader in the White House and companions in the US Congress pass bills to protect business entities that are “too big to fail”; a phenomenon also enacted by George W. Bush of the Bush clan in the GOP. The trade unions have put business into bankruptcy and is part of the unemployment and economic problem.
The Obama administration has continued its movement to denounce the Bush administrations, particularly George W. Bush, which recently took form in the Senate report of alleged harsh CIA interrogations.
In the Avanti! article of September 22, 1914, when Mussolini was a Marxist, he proclaims his agenda:
Our programme is simple. We want to rule Italy.
Jon J. Ray points out in his treatise how this is the exact agenda of the American Left, self-proclaimed Progressives.
At least Mussolini was up front and honest about his agenda. [Mussolini ha sempre ragione - “Mussolini is always right”]
Mussolini published his Fascist Manifesto in 1919, which is Fascist policy that is based upon socialism:
  • The nationalism of all the arms and explosive factories.
  • A strong progressive tax on capital that will truly expropriate a portion of all wealth.
  • The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor.
  • The formation of a National Council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made from the collective professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a General Commission with ministerial powers.
  • A minimum wage.
  • The participation of workers' representatives in the function of industry commissions.
Sound familiar? Check out the Democratic National Platform with the slogan: “Moving America Forward” (Progressive) and the policies of one Barack Hussein Obama (and associates). Written in 2012, notice how the platform brags about nonexistent political, economic, and social successes.
Mussolini devised and developed in the 1920s, described by Christopher Hibbert.
It contained several demands that were decidedly radical: A progressive tax on capital and a tax of eighty-five percent on war profits, universal franchise for men and women, a national militia, a minimum wage, nationalization of the munition industries, worker's participation in the management of industrial enterprises, the confiscation of all ecclesiastical property.
Mussolini's ego reigned, conceived and believed that his manifesto was unique and revolutionary; just like democratic socialists in the United States today believe they have devised an American form of socialism, a welfare state, that will not end in economic disaster like socialist-fascist-communist states have done in the past. It did not improve the life of the general populace much more than when under rule of the monarchy.
Like William Clinton, Mussolini declared that the era of big government was over:
Mussolini set the example in his revival of pagan rites, and in October 1928 instituted a ceremony in which patriotic citizens presented their national savings certificates as a burnt offering on an ancient altar of Minerva specially brought out of its museum for the purpose.
Mussolini, in his youth, was a revolutionary socialist, labor union agitator (jailed like Hitler was), as radical as any Progressive of today. He became prominent in Marxist circles of Italy, having intimate contact with Lenin, a member of Italy's Socialist Party and between 1912 and 1914, editor of the Italian newspaper, L'Avanti. After leaving the Socialist Party, he started his own newspaper II Popolo d'Italia (the people of Italy) and became known as II Duce (the leader).
The Left movement, particularly during most of the 20th century, were counter to religion in various degrees. However, major churches like the Vatican have been won over by the Progressives, yet denouncing religious validity; usual practiced hypocrisy. In 1929, Mussolini eased the anxiety of Pope Pius XII by signing the Lateran Treaty, which continues today that recognizes the Vatican as a sovereign state. In exchange, Pope Pius accepted Mussolini and even called him “the man sent by Providence”. The present Pope Francis is considering beatifying Pope Pius XII a saint, starting the idea and process in 1967 by Pope Paul VI, nine years after Pius XII's death.
Adolf Hitler mentioned Mussolini in his book Mein Kampf, expressing his admiration and regarded Mussolini as a mentor for Hitler's National Socialism. Mussolini did not equally admire Hitler, loathing his murderous personality, specifically his mania about the Jews. He considered the Nazi as barbarians. Remaining neutral in 1939 and 1940, Mussolini did not join the Nazi war effort until France collapsed, choosing to be on the perceived winning side.
In the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inspired by certain Mussolini policies, an inspiration for the New Deal. His policy coincided with English Socialist, H.N. Brailsford, who stated in 1935:
In America, the average man has not yet the faintest idea of what socialism means. It is, therefore, conceivable that the logic of facts may drive him to into it before he can shrink back in terror. He has begun to experiment, and when once Americans start moving as a mass, they are apt to go at a hot and headlong pace. If ever they do it, they will stumble into socialism unconsciously. It will be the consequence of their actions and not the conclusion of their reasoning. And when it is realized, they will believe it is an American invention patented in 1933.
Indeed, the New Deal legislation of 1935 can easily be identified with the American Socialist Party Platform of 1932. It was formulated by Henry A. Wallace (Secretary of Agriculture) and Secretary of State (Cordell Hull), who supported President Wilson's League of Nations when he was a senator. Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, Hull began drafting a United Nations charter.
The US Supreme Court of 1936 denounced eight laws of the New Deal as unconstitutional:
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled FDR's National Recovery Administration unconstitutional [Schechter Poultry vs US, 295 US 495 (1935)]. And again the following year the Supreme Court ruled FDR's Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional [Butler vs US, 297 US (1936)], stating that the AAA was 'a central government exercising uncontrolled police power in every state of the union.
That Supreme Court decision enraged FDR as well as the Congressional Democrats:
As a result of this reaction, several constitutional amendments were introduced into Congress in 1936, including one that would require a two-thirds vote of the Court whenever an act of Congress was declared unconstitutional; another that would permit Congress to revalidate federal laws previously declared unconstitutional by repassing them with a two-thirds vote of both houses, and even one that would abolish altogether the Court's power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.
Today, BH Obama continues the march that FDR and Woodrow Wilson created, aided by J. Carter and Lyndon Johnson.  They are a partia list of politicians who have engineered policies (and society) into the progressive movement towards socialism.
FDR had gained enough political power and popularity of the people that he began the process of eliminating the check and balance system, which is the foundation of the American Constitutional Republic. Upon his re-election, FDR began the process of packing the Supreme Court. The New Deal, like Obamacare, had negative affects and did not do what was promised. Massive tax increases took place and new taxes were engineered, which destroyed job potential and prolonged unemployment, the product of the Great Depression. Cato Institute publication:
For defenders of the New Deal, perhaps the most embarrassing revelation about New Deal spending programs is they channeled money AWAY from the South, the poorest region in the United States. The largest share of New Deal spending and loan programs went to political "swing" states in the West and East - where incomes were at least 60% higher than in the South. As an incumbent, FDR didn't see any point giving much money to the South where voters were already overwhelmingly on his side.
In 1937, Republicans and Southern Democrats formed a Conservative Coalition and released the Conservative Manifesto with a 10-point plan:
1. Immediate revision of taxes on capital gains and undistributed profits in order to free investment funds.
2. Reduced expenditures to achieve a balanced budget, and thus, to still fears deterring business expansion.
3. An end to coercion and violence in relations between capital and labor.
4. Opposition to “unnecessary” government competition with private enterprise.
5. Recognition that private investment and enterprise require a reasonable profit.
6. Safeguarding the collateral upon which credit rests.
7. Reduction of taxes, or if this proved impossible at the moment, firm assurance of no further increases.
8. Maintenance of state rights, home rule, and local self-government, except where proved definitely inadequate.
9. Economical and non-political relief to unemployed with maximum local responsibility.

10. Reliance upon the American form of government and the American system of enterprise.

In 1933, FDR became president and from 1933 to 1936 government expense increased 83%. Sound familiar? He also confiscated gold and made it illegal for Americans to own gold, which caused gold prices to double.
FDR's popularity got him leeway with the press, which reminds us of the mainstream media of today. Bill Whittle presents an examination of political correctness.
Juan Peron, an Argentina dictator was a disciple of Mussolini, and indeed, after WWII was coming to an end, welcomed Fascists, mostly Nazi war criminals, to the country of Argentina.
Democratic socialism and its hypocrisy that has gripped the United States over the decades:
Racism that was prominent in the 1930s has not been relegated to history; except that the racism is reversed, based upon a victim mentality and using race instead of qualifications in the world of politics. It is part of the political correctness society, something that Obama promised to fix in 2008.
I end this with a video concerning journalism, published by PJ Media on the premise: “Who can handle the truth?” …

No doubt that the GOP requires some serious reformation concerning their political platform - meaning they need to start acting and thinking like Republicans and quit worrying about compromising the corrupt opposition; especially at the expense of US Constitution. We do not need another Bush, nor do we need the complacency of Mitt Romney.
We need constitutionalists who abide by their oaths of office; people who believe in the principles of the Tea Party movement and not denounce Tea Party members as "radicals". If standing by and protecting the Constitution and the sovereignty of the United States is radical - we need more of it.

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